Zoom is a very useful software package that allows creation of an internal search engine within a website or an intranet. It basically incorporates an application that creates prior indexes for the website, allowing convenient configuration and customization during its usage.
It is pretty handy as it doesn’t require much time to set up and run. Moreover, you don’t need any additional skills to use scripting languages nor necessitate any external web service. It is possible to search both static as well as dynamic pages, such as .HTML, .PHP and likes of it. It also facilitates the possibility of searching a wide variety of files such as .PDF, .PPT, .DOC, .XLS etc.
Another good thing about Zoom is its ability to work satisfactorily on all windows platforms right from 98, ME, 2000, XP down to Vista! Furthermore it can be run on almost every web server, providing great flexibility to the users, along with the power of handy features, such as wild card searching, content filtering, and broken link detection.
Although it is a user-friendly package, initially it requires some time to get accustomed with the software, in order to use it effectively for getting good outcome with its usage.